Coaching Mentorship

Coaching Mentorship

This is a two month Coaching Mentorship Programme in association with The Irish Calisthenics Institution.

Over the course of two months, selected applicants will be brought through both our Level 1 FUNdamentals Programme and our Level 2 Learning to Train Programme.

All of this is done online through zoom sessions and material will be covered in this way.

This course will give all participants an excellent opportunity to learn and understand the role a coach plays in an athlete’s development and prepare everyone accordingly for when we can return to coaching our sport.

The course will also include material around Social Distancing Games and keeping groups engaged when you are on zoom to help us when we are in this current position.

We will also create a discussion with every person and through this we will all gain a better understanding of the role a coach plays and how we can create the right environment for a youth athlete to thrive in our sport.

This mentorship programme has limited spaces available and the aim for us is to prepare people as best as possible for when we are able to return to the sport we love.

Bar Monkey as a club will be expanding this year. We have extra facilities in development and the aim from this course is to work with people we see being able to take on a coaching capacity with us in the future.

There are six places available in the course.

To apply please fill out the application form below.

Jamie Geraghty